Previous modeling studies suggested that changes in ocean gateways may
have exerted a dramatic influence on the ocean circulation. In this p
ilot study we extend those results to examining the potential ramifica
tions of circulation changes on the sedimentary record. A version of t
he Hamburg carbon cycle/sediment model is used in these sensitivity ex
periments. Results indicate that internal reorganization of the ocean
circulation can potentially cause very large regional changes in lysoc
line depth (1500-3000 m) and opal deposition. These shifts are sometim
es comparable in magnitude to those imposed by changes in external for
cing (e.g., climate, sea level, and weathering). Comparisons of the mo
del response with the geologic record indicate some significant levels
of first-order agreement. This exercise suggests that opportunities n
ow exist for physically based modeling of past sediment responses to c
irculation and climate changes.