The objective of this work was two-fold: to determine the residence ti
me distribution (RTD) in swirling pulverised coal flames and to develo
p a simple configuration of ideal chemical reactors, able to simulate
the RTD. The work was performed using the solution of a mathematical m
odel for a 2.2 MWth and a 12 MWth pulverised coal flame. Both flames a
re type II, resulting in high NOx emissions. From the mathematical sol
ution the RTD was simulated by tracing a number of fluid particles or
inert particles. The simulations showed that about 30% (dependent of t
he flame) of the fluid had a significantly lower residence time compar
ed to the mean residence time. Based on RTD simulations and particle t
rajectories a simple configuration of ideal chemical reactors, able to
simulate the main how of the gas phase in the furnaces, was developed
. The configuration consists of a plug Bow reactor representing the je
t centre, a well-stirred reactors representing the external recirculat
ion zone, and a combination of well-stirred reactors representing the
down stream region of the furnaces. The parameters in the ideal chemic
al reactor model were shown to be related to distinct zones in the fur
naces. Finally, the ideal chemical reactor model was verified against
experimental RTD data of a 2.5 MWth confined swirling natural gas flam