Eighteen cases affected by Sandhoff disease were investigated by an en
zymatic study of serum and leukocytes during the period 1988-1996, the
clinical expression and enzymatic study were reported and discussed,
An indirect minimum disease incidence was calculated in the Turkish po
pulation. Hexosaminidase activity in serum and leukocytes was severely
deficient when measured by synthetic substrate 4-MU-N-acetylglucosami
nide using the thermolabile fractionation procedure, Fractionation of
hexosaminidase revealed different levels of isoenzymes A and B. Clinic
ally, organomegaly was not found in 11 out of 18 infantile Sandhoff di
sease patients, while the remaining seven had mild organomegaly. Organ
omegaly was not found in patients with relatively high % hexosaminidas
e B activities. These results suggested that patients with different p
ercent heat-stable enzyme activity may have a different type of mutati
on which is related to the underlying molecular heterogeneity in the T
urkish population where 21% of marriages are found to be consanguineou
s. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.