The data of the literature concerning bronchial reactivity in diabetic
patients are controversial. Therefore, we studied the influence of th
e presence of a diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) on the ven
tilatory parameters measured during a methacholine-induced bronchocons
triction test. Ten insulin-dependent diabetic patients without CAN, te
n insulin-dependent diabetic patients with CAN and ten healthy volunte
ers, all non-smokers and free of respiratory symptoms, have undergone
a functional respiratory check-up before the methacholine test. The pr
esence of CAN was classically studied by the decrease in heart rate ch
anges during three standardized tests (deep breathing at 6 cycles/min,
Valsalva manoeuver, orthostatism) which all mainly explore the parasy
mpathetic function. The bronchial response to methacholine was similar
in the healthy subjects and in the diabetic patients without CAN. How
ever, the fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 seconde induced by the
highest dose of methacholine was significantly less marked in the dia
betic subjects with CAN than in the two other groups. These results su
ggest that the diabetic autonomic neuropathy also involves the vagal i
nnervation of the respiratory tract.