Radiation transport in SF6 are plasmas have been treated for pressures
of 0.101, 0.5, and 1.0 MPa. We have investigated the use of an approx
imate method of partial characteristics. We have calculated spectral a
bsorptivities for SF6 plasmas for temperatures from 300 to 35 000 K, a
nd have used these absorptivities to calculate the two functions desig
nated Delta I and Delta Sim. These functions are integrals over all ra
diation frequencies for given line segments with a linear variation of
temperature along the line, The Delta I and Delta Sim. values are fun
ctions of the end temperatures and the length of the line, and are use
d to evaluate radiation transfer from line segments in the plasma wher
e the temperature variation for each line segment is approximated as b
eing linear, The validity of this method of partial characteristics ha
s been demonstrated by comparing exact calculations with the approxima
te calculations to evaluate radiation intensities, radiation fluxes, a
nd divergence of radiation fluxes for specified temperature profiles,
The method of partial characteristics has been applied to one-and thre
e-dimensional calculations of radiative heat transfer in simplified te
mperature profiles, Agreement up to 10% is obtained with exact calcula
tions, but with a large reduction of computation time.