A basic frame, based on which certain features of sensory stimuli can
be extracted systematically in a distributed coding scheme, has not be
en clarified yet. This paper proposes that the basic frame can be a dy
namical map represented by itinerancy among attractors. Features of en
tities are encoded by attractors of neural networks. Relations between
the features in each modality are mapped on dynamical links between t
he attractors in each network relevant to each modality. The itinerant
states, in which the network dynamic state itinerates chaotically or
cyclically among the attractors, can work as dynamical maps. The recog
nition of features is carried out by a phase transition from an itiner
ant state to a constituent attractor. The phase transition is induced
by a short-term synaptic change based on the Hebbian rule under applic
ation of a relevant stimulation. A theta-like global oscillation is ne
cessary for self-organized formation of the chaotically itinerant stat
e. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.