The following experimental study was conducted to develop biocompatibl
e methods of osteosynthesis in fractures of the distal radius and to e
valuate their stability. A model of dorsal wedge osteotomy in the dist
al radial metaphysis was used to develop the surgical technique and to
test the stability of the alternative methods of osteosynthesis. The
concept for this model was based on commercially available materials w
hich were either biodegradable or osteoconductive. Four different form
s of biocompatible osteosynthesis were compared to combined Kirschner
wire osteosynthesis (KWO), our preferred method of treatment of unstab
le Colles fracture. Biocompatible osteosynthesis was achieved with an
invasivity and stability comparable to that of KWO. In conclusion, inj
ection osteosynthesis exceeded the other biocompatible methods of oste
osynthesis in all respects. Regarding the recent developments in injec
table materials for osteosynthesis it offers the best perspective for
clinical application.