Objective. In 1995, Stahlwerk Thuringen commissioned a new electric st
eel plant incorporating a continuous beam. blank easter for the produc
tion of beams with a depth of web ranging from 100 mm to 450 mm in a d
ownstream sec- tion rolling mill. As part of the modernisation measure
s, the energy consumption of the pusher-type furnace was to be reduced
. Summary. The use of beam blanks, hot-charging, and the modernisation
of the pusher-type furnace involving the in- stallation of modern mea
suring and process control equipment as well as a furnace control syst
em have led to a significant saving in energy. Within the space of thr
ee years these measures have reduced the specific gas consumption from
around 540 to some 420 kWh/t. It can be roughly calculated which shar
e of this saving is attributable to the various individual measures, t
he furnace control system being estimated to account for a share of ar
ound 5 %. The furnace design, however, entails certain limitations.