Background: Lately, autopsies are performed less frequently in hospita
ls, despite their importance as a diagnostic tool. Aim: To study the c
oncordance between clinical diagnosis and postmortem study in patients
that died in a teaching hospital. Material and methods: Autopsy findi
ngs in 57 patients (aged 16 to 85 years old, 28 female) that died at a
University hospital were analyzed. Clinical diagnoses were compared w
ith those of the postmortem examination and the degree of concordance
between both diagnoses was calculated. Results: Seven major omissions
(12.3%) whose knowledge could have changed the clinical course of pati
ents, were detected. These omissions occurred in patients with complex
diseases or due to limitations of diagnostic procedures. Also, seven
omissions found in severely ill patients, whose knowledge would not ch
ange the patient's evolution, were also detected. Conclusions: Autopsy
still is a valuable tool to assess the quality of care for patients t
hat die during their hospitalization.