The claim that the ending of the Cold War signifies the triumph of Wes
tern liberalism - irrespective of whether this is celebrated or deplor
ed - overlooks the extent to which the liberal tradition, as commonly
understood, incorporated radical differences within it. These often sh
aped the major political cleavages of the time - between Whigs and rad
icals, Girondins and Jacobins, the liberalism of privilege versus the
liberalism of egalitarian democracy. Similar tensions can be identifie
d today - between the liberalisms of 'globalization from above' and 'g
lobalization from below', the liberalism of international business and
finance and that of radical social movements, the liberalism of privi
lege and that of human rights in the full sense. Not all these espouse
the same liberal principles, but they can be seen as contending over
which of the rival liberalisms should be accorded legitimacy in the po
st-Cold War world.