To examine the metabolic fate of procymidone henyl)-1,2-dimethylcyclop
ropane-1,2-dicarboximide, Sumilex(R), S-7131], female New Zealand Whit
e rabbits were given a single oral dose of [carbonyl-C-14] procymidone
at 125 mg/kg and their urine, feces, and blood were collected. The ra
diocarbon was rapidly eliminated from the body, the total C-14 excreti
on within 3 days after administration being 95.3% (urine: 72.1%; and f
eces: 23.2%). C-14 level in the blood was maintained from 1-6 hr with
a rapid decrease thereafter. The main metabolites in female rabbits we
re glucuronide conjugates of 3 hydroxylated-procymidone metabolites, w
hich were not found in rats or mice, generated by the following metabo
lic reactions: 1) oxidation of one of the methyl groups to carboxylic
acid via hydroxymethyl, 2) cleavage of the imide linkage, and 3) glucu
ronide formation of the 3 hydroxylated-procymidone metabolites. The gl
ucuronyltransferase activity toward one of the hydroxylated-procymidon
e metabolites were examined in vitro with addition of hepatic glucuron
yltransferase of female rabbits or rats. There appeared to be such act
ivity toward hydroxylated-procymidone metabolites only in female rabbi
ts and no activity in female rats, suggesting the difference of the co
njugation activity caused the species difference of procymidone metabo
lism between female rabbits and rats.