Cystic fibrosis is characterised by chronic bronchopulmonary sepsis, V
arious therapeutic modalities attempt to enhance the clearance of airw
ay secretions, Dornase alfa (recombinant human deoxyribonuclease) redu
ces the viscoelasticity of sputum from patients with cystic fibrosis b
y depolymerising extracellular DNA, The drug is administered as an aer
osol using a jet nebuliser at a dosage of 2.5mg once daily, It improve
s pulmonary function and reduces the risk of respiratory exacerbations
requiring parenteral antibacterials. Various clinical trials have dem
onstrated a heterogeneous response to dornase alfa and have been unabl
e to predict which groups of patients benefit from treatment, Patient
selection is further complicated because some individuals do not exhib
it improvements in lung function, but benefit in terms of a decrease i
n infective exacerbations, All patients with cystic fibrosis who produ
ce purulent sputum are potential candidates for dornase alfa therapy,
We suggest that compliant patients be considered for treatment with do
rnase alfa, irrespective of disease severity, but should be closely mo
nitored and be assessed at regular intervals to monitor treatment resp