We investigated controls over the emission of monoterpenes from two sp
ecies of boreal forest conifers, black spruce (Picea mariana Miller (B
.S.P.)) and jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb). Monoterpenes are importa
nt in plants as carbon-based defensive compounds and in the atmosphere
as photochemically reactive compounds that affect ozone and carbon mo
noxide concentrations. We examined ecological theories of plant alloca
tion to defensive compounds in relation to emission rates of monoterpe
nes from the foliage of these two species. Monoterpene emission from p
lants is controlled by the vapor pressure of the monoterpenes within p
lant tissues, and vapor pressure is controlled by two parameters, air
temperature and terpene concentration within the tissues. We measured
the concentration of terpenes and nitrogen within foliage and the emis
sion rate from foliage, and demonstrated that emission rate was linear
ly related to nitrogen concentration and exponentially related to air
temperature, Current theories of plant allocation to carbon-based defe
nses predict an inverse relationship between foliar nitrogen and carbo
n-based defenses. We found that, under certain circumstances, these th
eories were sufficient to predict concentrations and emissions, but un
der other circumstances, the theories did not predict monoterpene conc
entrations or emissions. These results are discussed in the context of
landscape/regional modeling of hydrocarbon emission from vegetation.