Hemolysis in total artificial heart (TAH) recipients was analyzed, Fro
m a total of 66 long-term experiments lasting from 30-314 days per-For
med in the Bma Research Center, in 53 animals, tilt: total red blood c
ell (RBC) count, hematocrit, total hemoglobin, and free plasma hemoglo
bin were investigated, We could essentially divide the whole group of
calves in 2 subgroups. The first subgroup was calves with hemolytic re
actions, and the second subgroup tvas calves without any hemolytic rea
ction at all, In the first subgroup, hemolysis occurred in 47% of the
overall number of animals during extracorporeal circulation (ECC), in
15% during ECC and later periodically during the experiment, in 8% dur
ing ECC and then continuously during the experiment, and finally in 10
% not during ECC but repeatedly during the experiment, In 20% of the a
nimals from the overall number, hemolysis did not occur at all (second
subgroup), These results testify to the great individual differences
within 1 breed (Bohemian with a substantial component of Holstein). Th
ese differences are further modified by exogenous and endogenous facto
rs. First. the inborn resistance of the RBC membrane and also thrombi
formation and the mineralization of the driving diaphragm are very imp
ortant. The extreme situation of decreased RBC membrane resistance was
proved using a calf from another breed, the slow growing Scottish Hig
hland breed, which did not survive 22 days of pumping due to intractab
le lethal hemolysis. These factors are also indicated by the hemolytic
action of some drugs (e.g., Dopegyt) used during the experiment for a
nother reason. Also important are the mechanical forces of pumping, su
rface moieties of the biomaterial, mineralization of the driving diaph
ragms, thrombi formation, infection, etc. Essentially, the hemolytic r
eaction in the TAH recipient has a multifactorial character. Hemolysis
is undoubtedly an important factor, which can have a profound impact
on the length of survival. The experimental and clinical experiences m
ust be continuously integrated, and conclusions valid for human TAW ap
plication must be considered as very important for further TAI-I exper
imental and clinical research.