A patient with disseminated Lyme borreliosis is reported. The patient
suffered from erythema migrans and radicular pain. Serologic tests rou
tinely performed (IFT, ELISA, Western blots,vith different strains and
Borrelia-LTT) were negative. However, Borrelia burgdorferi (genotype
Borrelia afzelii) was cultivated from a skin biopsy. Western blot with
the patient's isolate and sera showed strong reactivity only with the
60 kDa protein. In spite of immediate diagnosis and intravenous antib
iotic treatment according to current recommendations he developed pain
in the right ankle, which was resistant to further antibiotic and ant
i-inflammatory therapy, Sudeck's atrophy was diagnosed by X-ray. Treat
ment,vith calcitonin brought immediate relief from pain and led to rad
iographically demonstrable recalcification.