We present the current status of our ongoing calculations of pseudosca
lar meson decay constants for mesons that contain one light and one he
avy quark (f(B), f(Bs), f(D), f(Ds)). We are currently generating new
gauge configurations that include dynamical quarks and calculating the
decay constants. In addition, we have several new results for the sta
tic approximation. Those results, as well as several refinements to th
e analysis, are new since Lattice '96. Our current (still preliminary)
value for f(B) is 156 +/- 11 +/- 30 +/- 14 MeV, where the first error
is from statistical and fitting errors, the second error is an estima
te of other systematic errors within the quenched approximation and th
e third error is an estimate of the quenching error. For the ratio f(B
s)/f(B), We get 1.11 +/- 0.02 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.07.