Despite numerous studies, the relationship between slope angle and inf
iltration rate remains unclear. Under different experimental condition
s, new processes may be introduced which influence the relationship. T
he presence of rills, for example, may significantly affect the relati
onship between slope angle and infiltration rate, so distinct relation
ships may exist for rill and interrill areas. The objective of this st
udy was to investigate the influence of slope angle on infiltration ra
te for an interrill area with a surface crust. The experiment was carr
ied out in a laboratory using simulated rainfall and soil trays design
ed to Limit the processes to those found in interrill areas. Slope ang
les ranged from 1.5 degrees to 21.5 degrees: infiltration was calculat
ed from the overland flow rate, and microtensiometers and micromorphol
ogical analysis were used to characterise the seals. Infiltration rate
decreased with increasing slope angle; image analysis of pore charact
eristics in the affected layer and subseal pressure head measurements
indicated there were no differences in seal characteristics between sl
ope angles. The results showed that sealing intensity did not vary wit
h slope angle, and the dominant influence of slope angle on infiltrati
on rate resulted from changes in overland flow depth and surface stora
ge. The results also suggest that small changes in seal hydraulic cond
uctivity with microrelief play an important role in the infiltration p
rocess. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.