A numerical simulation and analytical theory of the radial electric fi
eld dynamics in low collisional tokamak plasmas are presented. An init
ial value code ''ELECTRIC'' has been developed to solve the ion drift
kinetic equation with a full collisional operator in the Hirshman-Sigm
ar-Clarke form together with the Maxwell equations. Different scenario
s of relaxation of the radial electric field toward the steady-state i
n response to sudden and adiabatic changes of the equilibrium temperat
ure gradient are presented. It is shown, that while the relaxation is
usually accompanied by the geodesic acoustic oscillations, during the
adiabatic change these oscillations are suppressed and only the magnet
ic pumping remains. Both the collisional damping and the Landau resona
nce interaction are shown to be important relaxation mechanisms. Scali
ngs of the relaxation rates versus basic plasma parameters are present
ed. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.