Objective: The aim of the study was to test the reliability and Variat
ion in the readings of two widely used pulse oximeters in preterm infa
nts. Design: Two different pulse oximeters and a transcutaneous PO2 mo
nitor were used to record the data continuously on a cotside computer
database. Patients: Sixteen preterm infants were studied in the Neonat
al Unit, Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion, Edinburgh, UK, Intervent
ions: None. Measurements and Main Results: Approximately one fifth of
the time, the pulse oximeter readings could be established as artifact
ual. Study of the remaining four fifths of the data showed that, on av
erage, the Nellcor pulse oximeter recorded saturation percentages 2.2%
higher than the Ohmeda oximeter. Conclusions: We recommend that all n
eonatal units adopt a policy of using different saturation alarm limit
s for these two instruments. We further recommend that other pulse oxi
meters be tested by a methodology similar to the one we present in thi
s paper, before their use in monitoring oxygenation in preterm infants