Efficient and reproducible plant regeneration has been established fro
m stem internode explants of Moricandia arvensis, a crucifer of specia
l interest due to its C-3-C-4 intermediate photosynthetic activity. So
matic embryogenesis was induced in one-third of explants cultured on M
urashige and Skoog based medium containing 9 mM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyace
tic acid. High frequencies of plant regeneration (>90%) resulted when
somatic embryos were germinated on medium lacking growth regulators. R
egenerated plants were diploid, fertile and morphologically similar to
seed-derived plants of M. arvensis. This is the first report of somat
ic embryogenesis in M. arvensis. This plant regeneration system should
facilitate gene identification and localisation studies of C-3-C-4 ph
ysiology by insertional mutagenesis, a prerequisite for the isolation
and transfer of genes involved in C-3-C-4 metabolism from Moricandia t
o cultivated brassicas.