The consistent use of latex condoms continues to be advocated for prim
ary prevention of HIV infection despite limited quantitative evidence
regarding the effectiveness of condoms in blocking the sexual transmis
sion of HIV. Although recent meta-analyses of condom effectiveness sug
gest that condoms are 60 to 70% effective when used for HIV prophylaxi
s, these studies do not isolate consistent condom use, and therefore p
rovide only a lower bound on the true effectiveness of correct and con
sistent condom use. A reexamination of HIV seroconversion studies sugg
ests that condoms are 90 to 95% effective when used consistently, i.e.
consistent condom users are 10 to 20 times less likely to become infe
cted when exposed to the virus than are inconsistent or non-users. Sim
ilar results are obtained utilizing model-based estimation techniques,
which indicate that condoms decrease the per-contact probability of m
ale-to-female transmission of HIV by about 95%. Though imperfect, cond
oms provide substantial protection against HIV infection. Condom promo
tion therefore remains an important international priority in the figh
t against AIDS. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.