The relationships between intraseasonal (periods <100 days) variations
of convection, sea surface temperature (SST), surface wind stress, an
d surface fluxes of latent heat and radiation in the warm pool of the
equatorial Indian and western Pacific Oceans are examined using 7 yr o
f gridded outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), SST, and surface stress a
nd latent heat flux based on European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts analyses. In the warm pool region enhanced evaporation, whic
h results from enhanced surface westerlies, lags enhanced convection b
y similar to 1 week. Intraseasonal SST fluctuations lag decreased evap
oration by similar to 1 week and decreased convection (which implies i
ncreased insolation) by similar to 2 weeks, suggesting that anomalous
latent heat flux and surface insolation drive SST changes on intraseas
onal timescale. The relationship between anomalous SST, surface wind s
tress and surface fluxes of latent heat and shortwave radiation for th
e Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO), which dominates the intraseasonal v
ariability of convection and surface winds over the warm pool, is deve
loped. Spatially coherent SST anomalies, with amplitude of similar to
113 degrees C, develop in the Indian Ocean and propagate eastward alon
g with the large-scale convective anomaly, but with 1/4 cycle lag. The
SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean are postulated to be driven predomi
nantly by surface insolation anomalies associated with the anomalous l
arge-scale convection. The SST anomalies in the western Pacific are po
stulated to be driven by a combination of anomalous latent heat flux a
nd insolation. The differing behavior in each ocean reflects structura
l changes of the MJO as it evolves through its life cycle. Data collec
ted during TOGA COARE are used to quantify the role of surface heat fl
ux anomalies for driving the SST changes in the western Pacific.