Hope is the sum of goal thoughts as tapped by pathways and agency. Pat
hways reflect the perceived capability to produce goal routes; agency
reflects the perception that one can initiate action along these pathw
ays. Using trait and state hope scales, studies explored hope in colle
ge student athletes. In Study 1, male and female athletes were higher
in trait hope than nonathletes; moreover, hope significantly predicted
semester grade averages beyond cumulative grade point average and ove
rall self-worth. In Study 2, with female cross-country athletes, trait
hope predicted athletic outcomes; further, weekly state hope tended t
o predict athletic outcomes beyond dispositional hope, training, and s
elf-esteem, confidence, and mood. In Study 3, with female track athlet
es, dispositional hope significantly predicted athletic outcomes beyon
d variance related to athletic abilities and affectivity; moreover, at
hletes had higher hope than nonathletes.