Background. Obesity, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, hyperten
sion, and dyslipidemia (syndrome X, ''the deadly quartet'') are common
metabolic disorders that predispose to early cardiovascular disease.
We examine relationship between insulin resistance and the deadly quar
tet and address therapeutic implications. Methods. We review the liter
ature on insulin resistance,using MEDLINE files from 1975 to the prese
nt. Fifty references were reviewed. Results. Insulin resistance consis
ts of a cluster of disorders and biochemical abnormalities. We discuss
the mechanisms responsible for the defects in insulin-mediated glucos
e utilization,as well as the relation of insulin resistance to obesity
, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. We review the current strategies use
d in light of this pathophysiologic approach. Conclusions. This extrem
ely common syndrome contributes excessively to mortality and morbidity
of millions of Americans and generates enormous costs to the health c
are system. Better molecular understanding of insulin resistance is le
ading to improved treatment of all components of the syndrome.