Regulation of mesangial matrix deposition is a dynamic phenomenon invo
lving synthetic and degradative processes. The latter involve a number
of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) and tissue inhibitors of matrix me
talloproteinases (TIMP). Experimental studies suggest that mesangial m
atrix degradation is inhibited in diabetic nephropathy, and that this
phenomenon has a pathogenic role. The expression of genes for MMP2 and
TIMP2 in human diabetic nephropathy was investigated. Reverse transcr
iption polymerase chain reaction was carried out in microdissected glo
meruli and tubulo-interstitium obtained from kidney biopsies. We studi
ed 16 NIDDM patients, 5 patients with glomerulonephritis or chronic ki
dney transplant rejection, and 5 normal control subjects. Albumin excr
etion rate and renal histology for NIDDM patients were available. Cont
rary to TIMP2 which was expressed both in tubulo-interstitium and glom
eruli in almost all renal biopsies, MMP2 gene down-regulation was obse
rved in glomeruli from all NIDDM patients, irrespective of the albumin
excretion rate, and of renal histology. In contrast, this gene was ex
pressed in biopsies from other subjects (chi.(2) = 20.6; p = 0.000), I
n conclusion, this study demonstrates that: 1) in glomeruli of NIDDM p
atients the MMP2 gene is down-regulated; 2) in biopsies of NIDDM patie
nts the MMP2/TIMP2 pattern is peculiar for NIDDM; 3) the MMP2 gene dow
n-regulation is observed in all NIDDM patients, irrespective of the le
vel of albuminuria and of renal histology. MMP2 gene down-regulation s
eems to be a molecular epiphenomenon of diabetes, rather than a marker
of diabetic nephropathy.