Lactation results in a number of physiological adaptations which exert
direct effects on maternal health, some of which may confer both shor
t and long term advantages for breast feeding mothers. Breast feeding
in the early postpartum period promotes a more rapid return of the ute
rus to its prepregnant state through the actions of oxytocin. Breast f
eeding may also lead to a more rapid return to prepregnancy weight. Am
ong studies that had good data on duration and intensity of lactation,
the majority show a significant association between lactation and wei
ght loss. However, there ill no evidence that lactation prevents obesi
ty. Lactation also affects glucose and lipid metabolism. The long term
effects of these adaptations are unknown but may have implications fo
r preventing subsequent development of diabetes and heart disease. Lac
tation delays the return of ovulation and significantly reduces fertil
ity during the period of lactational amenorrhoea. This process is link
ed with feeding patterns and may therefore be affected by practices su
ch as scheduled feedings and the timing of introduction of complementa
ry foods. While the evidence from epidemiologic studies is mixed, seve
ral large studies have shown that extended lactation is associated wit
h reduced risk of premenopausal breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer
s. Although bone mineralization declines during lactation, repletion t
akes place after weaning. As a result, breast feeding does not appear
to cause long term depletion of bone nor does it increase risk of oste
oporosis. Many of the physiological effects of lactation are dependent
on the stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and milk remova
l and thus may vary with infant feeding practices. Well controlled stu
dies are needed that include detailed information regarding infant fee
ding practices in addition to the total duration of any breast feeding
. Future feeding recommendations should reflect careful consideration
of how such practices affect both infant and maternal health.