Purpose. This study was conducted to compare pregnancy outcomes in wom
en with uterine duplication anomalies with outcomes in women with norm
al uteri. Methods. We studied 22 women with uterine duplication anomal
ies in whom first-trimester sonography demonstrated a live fetus and c
ompared pregnancy outcomes in these patients with outcomes in 66 women
with normal-appearing uteri (controls). The 2 groups were matched for
gestational age at the time of first-trimester sonography. Results. U
terine duplication anomalies were associated with a higher miscarriage
rate than were normal-appearing uteri (23% versus 6%, p < 0.05, Fishe
r's exact test). Deliveries resulting in liveborn infants occurred ear
lier in women with anomalous uteri. The mean gestational age at delive
ry was 37.0 weeks for women with duplication anomalies versus 38.8 wee
ks for controls (p < 0.05, Student's t-test), and a higher percentage
of duplication anomaly patients delivered before 34 weeks' gestation (
29% versus 3%, p < 0.01, Fisher's exact test). Neonates born from anom
alous uteri had lower mean birth-weight percentiles than did neonates
in the control group (51st versus 68th percentile, p i 0.05, t-test).
There was no difference in Apgar scores between the 2 groups at 1 and
5 minutes. Conclusions. Women with duplication anomalies of the uterus
have a higher miscarriage rate, deliver earlier, and have infants wit
h lower birth-weight percentiles than do women with normal-appearing u
teri. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.