We have observed an enhancement of the temperature effect on magnetore
sistance (MR) in Fe/Mo multilayers with the increase of the Mo layer t
hickness. MR at the first antiferromagnetic maximum is large and insen
sitive to the temperature whereas at the third antiferromagnetic maxim
um it is small and relatively sensitive to the temperature. We found t
hat the mean free path of the conduction electrons increased with the
increase of the Mo layer thickness at a fixed temperature and it decre
ased very slightly with the increase of the temperature at a fixed Mo
layer thickness, The interlayer coupling, similar to MR, also has an e
nhanced temperature effect with the increase of the Mo layer thickness
. There is a scaling relationship between the temperature effect on sa
turation field H-s and MR, which suggests that the decrease of the int
erlayer coupling strength is responsible for the enhanced temperature
effect on MR. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.