An improved method for evaluating acid-base titration data obtained fr
om the potentiometric titration of solutions containing highly charged
colloidal particles, such as proteins or ionic micelles, is presented
. The use of the method is demonstrated in the determination of the ch
arge number, as a function of pH, of a colloid, in this case the prote
in lysozyme titrated in differing sodium chloride concentrations, The
method involves an improved calculation of the electrostatic potential
and the concentration profiles of ions, e.g., the hydrogen ion, surro
unding the charged colloidal particles. It uses a numerical program th
at solves the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation in a cell model, Knowled
ge of the concentration profile of hydrogen ions enables a correct cal
culation of the amounts of hydrogen ions that have protonated the prot
ein, thus the charge number at differing pH, The PB calculation provid
es an estimation of the solution concentration of hydrogen ions at the
surface of the protein, It is shown that this surface concentration c
orrelates well with the charge number on the protein over the wide pH
range of 1.5-12, thus also at highly acidic pH, where the colloid is h
ighly charged, This has been difficult to achieve before.