The ATLANTA(TM) switching architecture described in this article has t
he following distinguishing characteristics: 1) is nonblocking, 2) sca
les modularly over a wide range of switching and buffering capacities
using commonly available implementation technology, 3) achieves high b
uffer utilization while using distributed buffers, 4) has low complexi
ty, and 5) provides a clear path for future growth in features. The AT
LANTA architecture uses an innovative structure with ingress and egres
s buffers, where selective backpressure is applied from the fabric to
the ingress cards. Selective backpressure makes the buffers in the ing
ress cards act as an extension of the output buffers in the fabric, ac
hieving ''sharing'' of the distributed buffers and buffer utilization
comparable with a centralized shared-memory switch. The advantage is t
hat the majority of the buffers are in the ingress and egress port car
ds, and are implemented using low-cost off-the-shelf memories regardle
ss of the total switching capacity. Different arrangements are possibl
e for the switch fabric. In the smallest configuration, the fabric con
sists of a single standalone switching module; for larger switching ca
pacities, the fabric is a modular three-stage memory/space/memory (MSM
) arrangement. The ATLANTA architecture provides optimal support of mu
lticast traffic. The ATLANTA chipset provides the complete set of buil
ding blocks for implementing ATM switches ranging in capacity from 622
Mb/s to 25 Gb/s. The chipset consists of four chips, two devices to b
e used in the fabric and two in the port cards. The port devices provi
de full-duplex inqress and egress functionality at 622 Mb/s port rate
(plus the overhead due to the local header used internally to the swit
ch). The physical interface to the incoming/outgoing lines supports th
e UTOPIA II multiplexing standard, and the port devices manage multipl
exing/demultiplexing from/to a maximum of 30 subports per port. Althou
gh our current implementation of the architecture is targeted primaril
y to ATM, the principles behind the architecture are more general, and
apply to IP switching and routing technologies.