Classification of brain infarcts based on the location, size and shape
of parenchymal damage alone can be difficult and misleading. This is
particularly true in subcortical infarctions and infarcts In so-called
watershed areas between neighboring territories of the main hemispher
ic arteries, Pathogenetic mechanisms, signs and symptoms, lesion patte
rns in CT and MRI are discussed as well as angiomorphological conditio
ns. Hemodynamically induced low-flow infarcts are rare and show typica
l, but nor pathognomic lesion patterns on CT and MRI. Characteristic s
ubcortical chainlike and confluent lesions are located in the supra-an
d paraventricular white matter; representing the core of a hemodynamic
ally induced infarction. Definite diagnosis of low-flow infarcts requi
res information on the underlying complex vascular compromise of the e
xtra-and intracranial arterial circulation. A noncompetent circle of W
illis is the main predisposing condition in hemispheric low-flaw infar
cts even in severe occlusive disease of the internal carotid arteries.