The mechanisms of regulation of I-AP gene expression in the murine maj
or histocompatibility complex by transcriptional repression are review
ed. Active and passive repression mechanisms are presented. The transc
ription factor PU.1 actively inhibits the expression of I-AP through t
he binding to a DNA sequence near the Y box, a cis-element in the prom
oter necessary for transcription. This interaction probably interferes
with the preinitiation complex assembly. NF-Y is a transcription fact
or that binds to the Y box and has two constituents: NF-YA (that binds
weakly to DNA) and NF-YB (that increases I:he binding of NF-YA to DNA
). The dbpA protein represses the expression of I-A beta by a quenchin
g mechanism, forming a complex with NF-YA and the dbpB protein by sequ
estering the NF-YB protein. PI similar mechanism is observed with the
glucocorticoid receptor that binds to the X-box binding proteins and i
nhibits their interaction with the X box. These results are examples o
f cross-talk between proteins, which may help us to understand the reg
ulation of 1-A beta gene expression.