The dynamics of the feature maps created by Kohonen's algorithm is stu
died by analyzing the wave number and frequency-dependent spectral den
sity of synaptic fluctuations. This so-called dynamical spectral densi
ty, which is well known in nonequilibrium statistical physics, constit
utes a complete record of the time and length scales involved in the e
volution of the map, the pertinent information being of much practical
interest for the study of the convergence properties and the design o
f effective parameter cooling strategies. We derive explicit theoretic
al expressions for the dynamical spectral density based on the Fokker-
Planck description of the stochastic process of learning and study in
some detail the folding phenomena observed in the feature map as a con
sequence of a dimensional conflict between input and output space. By
comparisons with extensive numerical simulations the Fokker-Planck pic
ture is found to describe both the space and the time behavior of the
map very well as soon as the dimensional conflict is well below a cert
ain critical value. Results for the time and length scales involved in
the evolution of the map are given both below and above the critical
value of the dimensional conflict. Moreover exploiting a certain analo
gy of the feature map with an elastic net we propose a new quantitativ
e criterion measuring the topographic (neighborhood preserving) proper
ties of the map in terms of the spectral density of the elastic tensio
ns in the net. By way of examples we demonstrate how topological defec
ts such as twists and kinks lead to characteristic elastic tensions th
at are revealed immediately by the spectral analysis.