The general objective of ISAAC (Inter-national Study of Asthma and All
ergies in Childhood) is to better know the distribution and risk facto
rs of allergic diseases. The objective of phase I survey, which will b
e dealt with in this special issue, is to get prevalence figures about
asthma, rhinitis and eczema worldwide using a simple and validated qu
estionnaire, In France, 18000 teenagers from the area of Bordeaux Fos
l'Etang de Berre, Languedoc-Roussillon, West-Marne and Strasbourg and
8700 children fi om Bordeaux and Strasbourg participated to the survey
in 1994 and 1995. In Fos l'Etang de Berre and Strasbourg areas, teena
gers answered to a video-questionnaire about asthmatic symptoms follow
ing the paper questionnaire. The paper questionnaire was translated fr
om English and back-translated. Reproducibility of the paper questionn
aire and comparison of answers provided by teenagers and their parents
was studied in a small additionnal survey completed in a sample of 30
0 adolescents. Data analysis include first a descriptive analysis with
in each center, then comparison of prevalence figures between centers.