Background-Abdominal pain is often variable in intensity and difficult
to characterise due to its referred pain pattern. Clinical pain is fu
rthermore confounded by various emotional and cognitive factors. Aims-
To develop and apply an experimental model to induce localised gastric
pain. Subjects-Twelve healthy male volunteers. Methods-Stimulating el
ectrodes were mounted on a biopsy forceps and electric stimuli were de
livered during gastroscopy. Single, five repeated, and continuous stim
uli were given at four locations in the stomach. Pain detection thresh
olds and pain intensities were assessed together with localisation of
the referred pain area. Results-Pain detection thresholds were higher
in the prepyloric region compared with those obtained at the lesser an
d greater curvature. Increasing stimulus intensity resulted in augment
ed pain perception and repeated stimuli elicited pain at a lower stimu
lus intensity than single stimuli. Continuous stimuli evoked constant
(33%), increasing (33%), or decreasing (33%) pain. The localisation of
referred pain varied considerably in the subjects. Conclusions-The mo
del seems relevant to study basic pain mechanisms elicited by localise
d stimuli in the stomach. The experimental data support the premise th
at a gastric focus should always be suspected in patients referred wit
h different kinds of abdominal pain.