Lipid alterations and increased blood pressure may occur during perime
nopause. No data are available in perimenopausal women on the alpha-2
adrenergic activity which affects norepinephrine secretion. We studied
cardiovascular and catecholamine responses to clonidine (300 mg per o
s) in a group of 15 perimenopausal women (PeriMW) and in a control gro
up of 13 premenopausal women (PreMW). Nine of the perimenopausal women
were also studied after 4-month percutaneous estrogen replacement the
rapy (PeriMWE). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP, DBP), hear
t rate (HR), plasma norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E) were evalu
ated before and at 120 min, 130 min, 140 min after clonidine administr
ation. Basal values of SBP, DBP and HR were not different (F=0.7, p=NS
; F=0.2, p=NS and F=0.1, p=NS respectively) between PeriMW both before
and after therapy and PreMW, Resting levels of E were similar in PreM
W and in PeriMW before and during estrogen therapy (F=0.8, p=NS); Peri
MW showed higher basal NE levels both before and during estrogen thera
py than PreMW (F=12; p<0.001). Clonidine administration decreased SBP,
DBP and NE levels in PreMW, in PeriMW and in PeriMWE without any diff
erence between the groups (F=1.2, p=NS; F=0.5, p=NS and F=1.3, P=NS re
spectively). HR decreased significantly after clonidine in PreMW (F=5.
4, p<0.03) but not in PeriMW before (F=1.0, p=NS) and during estrogen
therapy (F=0.5, p=NS). Clonidine did not affect plasma E in the three
groups studied (F=2.8, p=NS; F=2.2, P=NS and F=0.1, p=NS). The present
study demonstrates that increased basal plasma NE levels are present
in PeriMW. The cardiovascular and catecholamine response to clonidine
in PeriMW both before and during estrogen therapy are similar to those
observed in PreMW, suggesting a normal inhibitory alpha-2 receptor pa
thway. (C) 1997, Editrice Kurtis.