Numerous advances in technology have been made in the last several yea
rs in the diagnosis and treatment of the infertile man. Using case pre
sentations, this article highlights these important new developments a
nd reviews the basics of a comprehensive male infertility evaluation.
The use of ultrasound as a critical, indispensable, yet noninvasive to
ol in the evaluation of possible male reproductive tract obstruction i
s discussed. Since assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs) have become
increasingly important in the management of the otherwise untreatable
infertile man, specialized testing of sperm function, e.g., the sperm
penetration assay (SPA), and strict morphology assessment are often u
seful prior to the initiation of some of these assisted reproductive p
rocedures such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertiliz
ation (IVF). Testicular touch preparation cytology and image analysis
are also important additions to routine testicular biopsy for quantify
ing the extent of spermatogenesis. Finally, the revolutionary microman
ipulation procedure of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) has for
ever changed the practice of andrology by enabling men previously thou
ght to be irreversibly infertile the chance to initiate their own biol
ogic pregnancy.