The aim of this study was to investigate the consumption of alcoholic
beverages, among Croatian combat vereans and to determine the causes o
f such behavior and the disturbances connected with it. To achieve thi
s aim we examined a group of46 male veterans on rehabilitation, aged 2
0-51 years, and compared their results with those of a control group o
f matched civilians. The results showed that the veterans consumed alc
oholic beverages more frequently compared with the control group, at a
level of statistical significance (p<0.01), and that alcohol dependen
cy was more often diagnosed among them. The most frequent reasons for
drinking among veterans were anxiety (41.4%) and fear (28.3%) as a con
sequence of prior more frequent exposure to stressful situations compa
red with the control group (p<0.01). The results stress the problem of
drinking alcoholic beverages among veterans and suggest the need for
carrying out systematic preventive and treatment programes.