Excitotoxicity has been implicated as a mechanism of neuronal death in
acute and chronic neurologic diseases. Cerebral ischemia, head and sp
inal cord injury, and prolonged seizure activity are associated with e
xcessive release of glutamate into the extracellular space and subsequ
ent neurotoxicity. Accumulating evidence suggests that impairment of i
ntracellular energy metabolism increases neuronal vulnerability to glu
tamate which, even when present at physiologic concentrations, can dam
age neurons. This mechanism of slow excitotoxicity may be involved in
neuronal death in chronic neurodegenerative diseases such as the mitoc
hondrial encephalomyopathies, Huntington's disease, spinocerebellar de
generation syndromes, and motor neuron diseases. If so, glutamate anta
gonists in combination with agents that selectively inhibit the multip
le steps downstream of the excitotoxic cascade or help improve intrace
llular energy metabolism may slow the neurodegenerative process and of
fer a therapeutic approach to treat these disorders.