Gentamicin is well known to be associated with including acute renal f
ailure and renal tubular dysfunction. A Bartter-like syndrome has also
been described as a toxic manifestation of gentamicin therapy in adul
ts, but this nephrotoxic syndrome has not been well characterized in c
hildren. In this report we describe the clinical course of four patien
ts with gentamicin-associated Bartter-like syndrome. These patients ra
nged in age from 4 months to 17 years; they all demonstrated evidence
of renal tubulopathy, primarily affecting the distal nephron. Hypocalc
emia, hypomagnesemia, alkalosis, and hypokalemia were the main manifes
tations in these patients. After discontinuation of gentamicin, recove
ry of the renal tubular functions and resolution of the electrolyte ab
normalities were complete in all patients.