Cutaneous findings can be useful in establishing the diagnosis and tre
atment of hospitalized patients. Observation and identification of cut
aneous abnormalities can improve the accuracy of diagnosis and result
in improved patient care. We set out to determine the prevalence of cu
taneous abnormalities in hospitalized pediatric patients in a hospital
and how often these findings were noted and properly diagnosed by the
admitting team of physicians. Children with medical problems admitted
to Kosair Children's Hospital during the month of January 1995 were r
andomly selected for a skin examination, which was performed within 24
to 28 hours of admission. Parental consent was required prior to admi
ssion into the study. Of 117 patients offered participation, 110 accep
ted. Physical findings were noted and in addition the completeness of
charting by the admitting physician and the relationship of any cutane
ous findings to admitting diagnosis were noted. One hundred five of th
e 110 patients (95%) had cutaneous findings consisting of either a ''r
ash'' or a ''congenital lesion.'' Fifty-one had more than one cutaneou
s finding noted on examination. Dermatitis was the most common diagnos
is made, followed by pigmented lesions and congenital vascular malform
ations of all types. In 35 of the 105 patients with a dermatologic dia
gnosis, the dermatologic diagnosis related directly to the admitting d
iagnosis. In only 22 of these 35 (63%) was the cutaneous involvement n
oted by the admitting physician. In 9 of the 110 cases (8%), the findi
ngs on dermatologic examination altered the primary diagnosis and/or t
reatment. Cutaneous findings are very common in the hospitalized pedia
tric patient. The diagnosis, charting, and treatment of dermatologic c
onditions by the primary pediatric team were often incomplete, althoug
h an expert cutaneous examination can be critical to patient care.