Computer modeling can be a useful tool in understanding the dynamics o
f bacterial population growth. Yet, the variability and complexity of
biological systems pose unique challenges in model building and adjust
ment. Recent tools from Bayesian statistical inference can be brought
together to solve these problems. As an example, the authors modeled t
he development of biofilm in an industrial pilot drinking-water networ
k. The relationship between chlorine disinfectant, organic carbon, and
bacteria concentrations was described by differential equations. Usin
g a Bayesian approach, they derived statistical distributions for the
model parameters, on the basis of experimental data. The model was fou
nd to adequately fit both prior biological information and the data, p
articularly at chlorine concentrations between 0.1 and 2 mg/liter. Bac
teria were found to have different characteristics in the different pa
rts of the network. The model was used to analyze the effects of vario
us scenarios of water quality at the inlet of the network. The biofilm
appears to be very resistant to chlorine and confers a large inertia
to the system. Free bacteria are efficiently inactivated by chlorine,
particularly at low concentrations of dissolved organic carbon. (C) 19
97 Elsevier Science Ltd.