A formal questionnaire was designed to provide information on consumer
's behaviour in the greek poultry meat market and covered aspects of t
he frequency ana quantity of consumption, the points of purchase, crit
eria when buying chicken meat, special choice of chicken cuts, prefere
nce in other poultry meat and preferable chicken weight. The majority
of respondents reported frequency of chicken consumption at home ''onc
e a week'' and quantity of chicken meat consumption per meal per famil
y 1-1.5 kg. The preferable point of purchase for the consumers from Ur
ban regions were the supermarkets whereas for the Semi-Urban and Rural
regions were the traditional butchers. Freshness was considered as th
e first criterion when buying chicken meat. The most consumers reporte
d that they would like to but certain chicken cuts, as well as other p
oultry meat, if it has the same price with the chicken meat. The prefe
rable mean chicken carcass weight was 1.7 kg.