Two inventions-the bipolar transistor and the integrated circuit-have
fundamentally revolutionized the technology of mankind. Within a perio
d of fifty years, the microelectronics industry has increased the numb
er of transistors fabricated on a single piece of semiconductor crysta
l by a factor of about 100 million, that is, 1.0e 10(+8), a productivi
ty phenomenon unparalleled in the history of technology and mankind. T
his paper begins with a historical review of that revolution-from the
first integrated circuit to modern very large scale integration (VLSI)
technology-and then reviews the development of present-day microelect
ronics manufacturing technology, based on the concept of the ''planar
process.'' The topics covered include silicon crystal technology, crys
tal dopant techniques, silicon oxidation development, lithography, mat
erials deposition processes, pattern transfer mechanisms, metal interc
onnect technology, and material passivation technology. The paper conc
ludes with a review of the major technical and economic issues that fa
ce the microelectronics industry today and discusses the future techni
cal and economic paths that the industry may take.