The Nd-145, Nd-143, and Co-59 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-ec
ho spectra and echo decays for Nd2Co17 and its interstitial nitride, N
d2Co17N3 and hydride Nd2Co17H3.6 at 4;2 and 77 K at zero field and in
applied fields of up to 5 T are reported. The Nd quadrupole splitting
of 3.88 MHz for Nd-145 in Nd2Co17 is reduced to 0.37 MHz for Nd2Co17N3
. The value for Nd2Co17H3.6 is 3.66 MHz. The reduction of quadrupole s
plitting for Nd2Co17N3 as compared to the host Nd2Co17 is 50% larger t
han for the isostructural Nd2Fe17N3 and is assigned to a huge increase
in the magnitude of the lattice electric field gradient at the Nd sit
e and, thus to a huge rise of magnetocrystalline anisotropy caused by
neighboring N atoms, whereas H atoms have only a slight influence on b
oth quantities. The Co-59 spectrum of the nitride is much different fr
om that of the host compound indicating a large influence of N neighbo
rs on Co hyperfine fields, whereas only minor changes are observed aft
er hydriding. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.