Spi-B is a hematopoietic-specific Ets family transcription factor clos
ely related to PU.1. Previous gene targeting experiments have shown th
at PU.1 is essential for the production of both lymphocytes and monocy
tes. We have now generated mice with a null mutation at the Spi-B locu
s. Unlike PU.1 mutant mice, Spi-B-/- mice are viable, fertile and poss
ess mature B and T lymphocytes. However, Spi-B-/- mice exhibit severe
abnormalities in B cell function and selective T cell-dependent humora
l immune responses, First, although Spi-B-/- splenic B cells respond n
ormally to lipopolysaccharide stimulation in vitro, these B cells prol
iferate poorly and die in response to B cell receptor (surface IgM) cr
oss-linking. Secondly, Spi-B-/- mice display abnormal T-dependent anti
genic responses in vivo and produce low levels of antigen-specific IgG
(1), IgG(2a) and IgG(2b) after immunization. Finally, Spi-B-/- mice sh
ow a dramatic defect in germinal center formation and maintenance. In
contrast to wild-type animals, germinal centers in Spi-B-/- mice are s
maller and short-lived with significantly increased numbers of apoptot
ic B cells, Taken together, these results demonstrate that Spi-B is es
sential for antigen-dependent expansion of B cells, T-dependent immune
responses and maturation of normal germinal centers in vivo.