The purpose of this study was to determine the maximally tolerated dos
e of doxorubicin administered during two cycles of intensive chemother
apy with cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin without stem cell support in
patients with advanced cancer and to assess the cumulative cardiac to
xicity of the regimen by noninvasive radionuclide imaging and by pre-
and postchemotherapy endomyocardial biopsies. Thirty-eight patients (t
hirty-six with high risk or metastatic breast cancer) were treated in
a dose-escalation trial using a fixed dose of i.v. cyclophosphamide (4
.2 g/m(2)) administered over 2 h on day 5 and escalating doses of doxo
rubicin (50-175 mg/m(2)) given as a 96-h continuous i.v. infusion on d
ays 1-4, using Filgrastim (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) for
hematological support beginning on day 6. All patients underwent pretr
eatment, and 28 patients underwent postchemotherapy endomyocardial bio
psies. Twenty-nine of 38 patients received two cycles of treatment (me
dian number of days between cycles, 44; range, 34-62). Twenty-one pati
ents had received doxorubicin previously at cumulative dose levels les
s than or equal to 150 mg/m(2); all patients had pretreatment endomyoc
ardial biopsy scores less than 1. One patient treated at the highest d
ose level of doxorubicin (175 mg/m(2)) developed symptoms of mild cong
estive heart failure following two cycles of chemotherapy. Pre- and po
sttreatment radionuclide ejection fractions were 65 and 45%, respectiv
ely; this patient had a posttreatment endomyocardial biopsy score of 1
(damage to <5% of myocytes). One additional patient at this dose leve
l had an asymptomatic biopsy score of 1, with a decrease in ejection f
raction from 62 to 43%; this recovered to 58% 5 months after completio
n of chemotherapy. Six additional patients treated at lower dose level
s had abnormal posttreatment endomyocardial biopsies without abnormal
posttreatment ejection fractions. Nine patients received only one cycl
e of chemotherapy: five patients due to decreased cardiac ejection fra
ction following cycle 1 (two of these patients had normal endomyocardi
al biopsies, and two patients had biopsy scores of 1); one patient sec
ondary to tumor progression following cycle one; one patient due to pe
rsistently detectable Clostridium difficile toxin in the stool; one pa
tient refused cycle two; and one patient died following cycle one of c
omplications related to sepsis. A single patient experienced a grand m
al seizure associated with orthostatic hypotension, which was consider
ed the dose-limiting toxicity. The median duration (over two cycles) o
f granulocytopenia (absolute granulocyte count <500/mu l) at the maxim
ally tolerated dose level of 150 mg/m(2) was 8.5 days (range, 5-13 day
s), and the median duration of thrombocytopenia (platelets <20,000/mu
l) was 2.5 days (range, 0-9 days). The median duration of hospitalizat
ion including chemotherapy administration was 23 days (range, 19-36 da
ys). Other toxicities included stomatitis, fever, diarrhea, and emesis
. One patient developed acute leukemia 54 months posttreatment. We con
clude that two courses of high-dose cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin u
sing granulocyte colony-stimulating factor are feasible and safe with
tolerable myocardial toxicity as evidenced by serial endomyocardial bi
opsies. The dose-limiting toxicity encountered was a grand mal seizure
. The recommended Phase II dose is doxorubicin 150 mg/m(2) administere
d as a 96-h infusion on days 1-4, with cyclophosphamide 4.2 g/m(2) on
day 5 and G-CSF 5 mu g/kg/day started on day 6 and administered until
the total WBC is above 10,000/mu l for three consecutive days.