Data from more than 1990 Lagrangian drifters in the equatorial Pacific
Ocean from 1980 to 1994 together with velocity records from two Tropi
cal Ocean-Global Atmosphere - Tropical Atmosphere Ocean (TOGA-TAO) equ
atorial moorings at 110 degrees and 140 degrees W, advanced very high
resolution radiometer (AVHRR) sea surface temperature (SST) product, a
nd European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) winds we
re used to investigate the effects and energetics of currents associat
ed with the tropical instability waves (TIWs). Adaptive multitaper spe
ctral analysis was used to estimate how spectral energy varied in the
15-to-30-day period TIW band. The drifter data was analyzed separately
for high and low values of the TIW energy in regions of 20 degrees lo
ngitude by 20 degrees latitude centered at 0 degrees N, 110 degrees W
and 0 degrees N, 140 degrees W to construct meridional profiles of ene
rgetics of the TIW region. High TIW energy values typically occurred a
round October when the South Equatorial Current (SEC) and the North Eq
uatorial Countercurrent (NECC) both became stronger and the eddy kinet
ic and potential energy production at 140 degrees W was noticeably lar
ger. At 110 degrees W the eddy kinetic and potential energy production
existed all the time without large differences between the periods of
high and low TIW activity. The meridional kinetic energy was enhanced
in the region between the equator and 10 degrees N from 150 degrees t
o 100 degrees W, with the largest values occurring between 110 degrees
and 140 degrees W in longitude and around 5 degrees N in latitude. Th
e largest terms in the horizontal kinetic energy production equation w
ere <(u'v'U)over bar>(y) and <(v'v'V)over bar>(y) With maxima in the r
egion of anticyclonic shear between SEC and NECC, from 2 degrees to 6
degrees N. The temperature variance, or the potential energy productio
n, peaked closer to the equator at 3 degrees N. The linear growth time
scale of the instability was about 10 days. The time-variable wind sup
plied energy to the current fluctuations during the TIW off period, bu
t for the TIW on period the wind energy input was reduced (at 110 degr
ees W) or even reversed (at 140 degrees W, between 1 degrees S and 7 d
egrees N), suggesting that air-sea interaction was important in the to
tal energy balance of the waves. The effect of instability was to redu
ce the shear of the mean current and to warm the equatorial cold tongu
e. These calculations suggest that there exists a balance between ener
gy production and dissipation in the TIWs.