Tomographic data obtained during early 1989 in the Greenland Sea have
been analyzed at 4-8 hour resolution to give the range-averaged vertic
al temperature evolution in the upper 500 m for a 106 km path. The tom
ographic inversions used both ray travel time data and normal mode gro
up velocity data in order to maximize near-surface resolution. Two maj
or events are apparent in the results. The first is the warming of a c
old (-1.9 degrees C) 100 m thick surface layer, and the second, 10 day
s later, is the cooling of a relatively warm (-0.9 degrees C) subsurfa
ce layer between 300 m and 500 m depth. This warm subsurface layer is
a critical source of salinity and buoyancy for deep convection. The su
rface layer warming is consistent with a mixed layer deepening over a
portion of the path, bringing up water from below. Special Sensor Micr
owave Imager (SSM/I) ice data indicate that the local ice field disapp
ears 3-4 days after the surface warming. The cooling of the warm 300 m
to 500 m layer is also consistent with a vertical process. There is n
o ice cover at this time, and so surface heat fluxes are large. A nort
herly wind event occurs at the onset of the cooling of the 300-500 m l
ayer, suggesting that wind-induced mixing may have played a role in in
itiating the process. There is evidence of southward flow advecting wa
rm water into the area both before and after the two events studied in
detail here.