The tight-binding method of modelling materials lies between the very
accurate, very expensive, ab initio methods and the fast but limited e
mpirical methods. When compared with ab initio methods, tight-binding
is typically two to three orders of magnitude faster, but suffers from
a reduction in transferability due to the approximations made; when c
ompared with empirical methods, tight-binding is two to three orders o
f magnitude slower, but the quantum mechanical nature of bonding is re
tained, ensuring that the angular nature of bonding is correctly descr
ibed far from equilibrium structures. Tight-binding is therefore usefu
l for the large number of situations in which quantum mechanical effec
ts are significant, but the system size makes ab initio calculations i
mpractical. In this paper we review the theoretical basis of the tight
-binding method, and the range of approaches used to exactly or approx
imately solve the tight-binding equations. We then consider a represen
tative selection of the huge number of systems which have been studied
using tight-binding, identifying the physical characteristics that fa
vour a particular tight-binding method, with examples drawn from metal
lic, semiconducting and ionic systems. Looking beyond standard tight-b
inding methods we then review the work which has been done to improve
the accuracy and transferability of tight-binding, and moving in the o
pposite direction we consider the relationship between tight-binding a
nd empirical models.